So I think the plan for the next week is to work on implementing things that are hinted at and/or in the game currently, but not working. That would be transformations, pregnancy and so on. Not exactly exciting stuff (to me), but interesting and kind of necessary at this point, because if I get much farther in this game without actually adding that stuff in, it will be much, much harder to add later.
Another thing: someone asked if I was looking for submissions for certain things, like dreams and such. I wasn't really, but you know what? I could use a distraction for that stuff. So here's the deal: If you want to write up a dream sequence, or a random event (include choices!), or something of that nature that fits into the game, then feel free to email it to me. Don't post it in comments, they don't belong there. If you do write something and submit it, please include the name you'd like to be credited as, or if you'd even like to be credited at all.
And please note that I reserve final editorial right: I may alter a submission to make it fit in the game better, or reject it completely if it simply doesn't and cannot fit.
In the future, do you think it'd be possible to add some way to remove unwanted traits you've gained?
ReplyDeleteWait, pregnancy doesn't work? Like, at all? I thought it was partially implemented.
ReplyDeleteDoes the Dealer ever show up again? I've met him once and bought a couple things. And he was still there the next two times I went to the mall but after that he's just gone. I never tried the "report him" option or anything. I want more drugs!
ReplyDeleteIt would be great if you could quit smoking by just not having a cigarette after a while. Also, is there anyway to do well in the audition to start off as a stripper instead of a waitress?
ReplyDeleteThat would explain why I can't seem to get pregnant. I can't wait :D
ReplyDeleteNot sure if this has been reported yet, but I've spotted a bug. When working as a private dancer and performing for the first time man, if you give him instructions and then select the "Eat you out" option, it does nothing. Once the game crashed out on me
ReplyDeleteAccidentally updated rags to 2.2.8, and now the image window is gone when attempting to play cursed.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have a fix, or a link to where I can redownload (The forum topic linked in the change log doesn't have a link for 2.2.7 anymore...
The image window in Cursed is disabled by design. it is not a rags bug.
ReplyDeleteif you finish the lab, get the item, then return, you autofail (seemingly) dunno if that's the case
ReplyDeleteOww... I thought I was actually paying fairly good attention to things...
ReplyDeleteWhen did the image window get disabled? (I'm somewhat sure it used to be there...)
In version 8-22 the picture frame was removed